Absolute filters are used in places of highest requirements to the cleanliness of air. They are designed to remove ultrafine dust, aerosols and viable organisms. Applications are found within cleanrooms, in hospital operating theatres and laboratories, but also in the micro-electronics, optical and precision industries, the pharmaceutical and food industry.
The new series of EN 1822 “High Efficiency Air Filters (EPA, HEPA and ULPA)” has been published in January 2011. The standard describes the factory testing of the filtration properties of absolute filters, i.e. Efficient Particulate Air filter (EPA), High Efficiency Particulate Air filter (HEPA) and Ultra Low Penetration Air filter (ULPA). For the in-situ testing of those filters under installed conditions the well-known, BS EN ISO 14644-3 remains valid.
The standard contains 5 parts:
Part 1: Classification, performance testing, marking
Part 2: Aerosol production, measuring equipment, particle counting statistics
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